Alacra Deal Pulse
Alacra Deal Pulse finds, filters and delivers near real-time information on rumored, announced and completed M&A transactions. Deal Pulse provides comprehensive coverage of the M&A arena and uncovers deal ideas and rumors from all corners of the web. Users benefit from forward-looking insight and are able analyze transactions from the point of origination. PulsePro users can gather deal intelligence on monitored company portfolios and industries of interest.
Alacra Deal Pulse finds, filters and delivers near real-time information on rumored, announced and completed M&A transactions. Deal Pulse provides comprehensive coverage of the M&A arena and uncovers deal ideas and rumors from all corners of the web. Users benefit from forward-looking insight and are able analyze transactions from the point of origination. PulsePro users can gather deal intelligence on monitored company portfolios and industries of interest.
- Keeps users informed of progression throughout deal lifecycle
- Brings together insights from traditional news and alternative media sources
- Provides actionable information on emerging M&A opportunities
- Email alerts notify PulsePro users of new deal rumors or changes to deals being tracked
- PulsePro sharing functionality allows users to send stories via email to colleagues, clients and prospects