May 11, 2005
Alacra is excited to announce that CreditSights is now available on a pay-per-view basis to all Alacra customers. CreditSights, a leading independent research platform, covers 1200 companies and 40 industries providing end-users with unbiased and indepth analysis. An example of CreditSights innovative approach can be best illustrated by the following recent reports on GM. For more on the automotive sector's deterioration visit CreditSights on Alacra. Click on the headline below to access the story.
GM: Dis-integration comes to Opel?
General Motors and it's Adam Opel unite were cited in the weekend German press as looking to split the Kaiserlautern factory into as many as three parts...
GM-Ford: The Morning(s) After
We sort through some questions, variables, and open items as the market wades into the post-frenzy reassessment: when to move in, when to run for cover, or just how to handle clients, investment committees, and the risk police.
GM's Kerkorian Card Topped By S&P's Kervorkian Card
5/6/05 The S&P downgrade was supposed to hurt but then the healing begins. Unfortunately, S&P left their instruments in the patient and sewed it back up. Confusion over finance company criteria now replaces confusion over automotive criteria.
GMAC: Ring-Fencing Begins
5/4/05 - GMAC starts the process of ring-fencing the residential mortgage operations to protect its earnings base, reduce cannibalization of credit lines, and broaden access to a wider range of funding sources.
GM: Call Me Kirk
5/4/05 - A validation of viability by a heavyweight with a winning record firms up sentiment, the sector, and even-perhaps too ironically-the supplier chain. It is an understandable boost in some regards, but we warn against selective memory.
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