What's New at Alacra


February 04, 2004

Alacra clients can now retrieve FitchResearch reports on a pay-per-view or subscription basis.

The qualitative information available from FitchResearch consists of corporate finance and structured finance credit updates and reports. The corporate finance sector includes global financial institutions and corporates. Structured finance includes asset-backed, credit products and both residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities.

Download this FitchResearch Report FREE! - The Oldest Tale but the Newest Story: Operational Risk and the Evolution of its Measurement under Basel II.

About Fitch Ratings
Fitch Ratings is committed to providing the world's credit markets with accurate, timely and prospective credit opinions. Built on a foundation of organic growth and strategic acquisitions, Fitch Ratings has grown rapidly during the past decade gaining market presence throughout the world and across all fixed income markets. Fitch Ratings is dual-headquartered in New York and London, with operating offices and joint ventures in more than 50 locations and covering entities in more than 80 countries.

Visit www.fitchratings.com to find more information about Fitch Ratings or call them directly at (212) 908-0800

For more information about Fitch Ratings on Alacra, please call us at 1 888 333 0820 within the US, 1 212 363 9620 in New York or 44 (0)20 3059 5765 in London, or email us at [email protected].